Managing Project Using Microsoft Project


In today’s very demanding project environment, you could use all the support you need. This tool-based course provides the crucial training required to effectively customize and apply this PM-dedicated software to planning and controlling your entire project management life cycle, enhancing communication with project stakeholders and increasing overall project management efficiency.

Course Benefit

  • Execute projects on time and on spec
  • Effectively formulate a project plan that integrates time, effort and resources
  • Automatically calculate forward and backward pass and determine float
  • Save time and effort by using the software for project updates
  • Create reports tailored to various project stakeholders and organizational levels
  • Achieve more efficient resource allocation

Who Should Attend?

  • Project management professionals who want to improve their skills, including project or program managers and directors.

What You Will Learn?

  • Introduction to Microsoft Project 2003: versions, data structure, graphical user interface
  • Personalizing the GUI: toolbars, tables, views, calendars
  • Creating a new project file: setting parameters
  • Entering data: work packages, relationships, durations, resources, effort
  • Producing the integrated project plan: software benefits and limitations
  • Controlling the project: from entering actual to updating the baseline
  • Probabilistic project management, shared resources, schedule buffers

Related Topics:

Informasi & Registrasi:

  • Untuk keterangan selengkapnya (termasuk biaya dan jadwal pelaksanaan) silahkan dilihat/unduh brosurnya di <Managing Project Using Microsoft Project> atau disini.
  • Untuk pendaftaran silahkan download Registration Information dan kirim kembali via email atau fax setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Bila membutuhkan pelatihan dalam bentuk Inhouse Training silakan download IHT Request Form dan dikirim kembali kepada kami melalui Fax/email setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Anda juga dapat menghubungi langsung penyelenggaranya melalui Tel/SMS/Fax yang tercantum di brosur atau email: beproseminars<at>

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