Financial Modeling for Financial Institution

“Workshop intensif ini dirancang untuk membekali para profesional jasa keuangan dengan keterampilan praktis yang mereka butuhkan pada pekerjaan”

Kerangka regulasi dan model bisnis yang unik bank menimbulkan tantangan khusus di bidang peramalan dan penilaian. Dalam pelatihan ini, peserta secara eksklusif memfokuskan pada keuangan, membangun sebuah model perbankan yang lengkap.

Tujuan Pelatihan

  • Program ini ditujukan untuk peserta dengan pengetahuan akuntansi dan penguasaan Excel  yang solid yang ingin menjelajahi aspek yang lebih canggih pemodelan keuangan dan mengeksplorasi metodologi penilaian alternatif.
  • Dengan format pelatihan interaktif ini setiap peserta akan mendalami model bisnis perbankan khususnya dalam peramalan dan penilaian (business valuation)


  • Pelatihan ini menggunakan metode ceramah dalam memahami konsep, dan latihan/studi kasus dalam mendalami teknik aplikasinya.
  • Latihan berbasis komputer. Setiap peserta harus membawa laptop diinstal dengan Microsoft Excel (versi lengkap sarat dengan Analytics dan Solver add-in)

Who Should Attend

  • Program ini ditujukan untuk peserta dengan pengetahuan akuntansi dan Excel yang solid yang ingin menjelajahi aspek yang lebih canggih pemodelan keuangan dan mengeksplorasi metodologi penilaian alternatif, termasuk:
    • Investment bankers
    • Equity analysts
    • M&A professionals
    • Fund managers
    • Treasurers and finance directors
    • Commercial bankers
    • Private equity and venture capital specialists
    • Business analysts, dan peminat  lainnya.

Pokok-Pokok Bahasan

  • Commercial banks and the regulatory framework.
    Trainees will be introduced to the broad regulatory themes and challenges facing the financial services industry.
  • Building a Financial Institution Forecast Model.
    Participants build an integrated financial statement forecast model, projecting asset and liability balances, interest rates and spreads for key assets and liabilities, using industry best practices.
  • Challenges in Bank Valuation
  • Building a Bank Valuation Model
    Learn how to build a DCF (Discounted Cash Flow) based on the projection derived in the balance sheet and income statement projection model.

    • Projecting cash flows
    • Calculating the cost of equity
    • Other issues in valuation

Informasi & Registrasi:

  • Untuk keterangan selengkapnya (termasuk biaya dan jadwal pelaksanaan) silahkan dilihat/unduh brosurnya di Financial Modeling for Financial Institution .
  • Untuk pendaftaran silahkan download Registration Information dan kirim kembali via email atau fax setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Bila membutuhkan pelatihan dalam bentuk Inhouse Training silakan download IHT Request Form dan dikirim kembali kepada kami melalui Fax/email setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Anda juga dapat menghubungi langsung penyelenggaranya melalui Tel/SMS/Fax yang tercantum di brosur atau email: beproseminars<at>

Project Tender Management

Bagaimana Mempersiapkan Administrasi Tender, Mengikuti Proses Seleksi, dan Strategi Memenangi Tender secara Fair – tanpa KKN

Tender proyek merupakan hal menarik namun kadang juga memusingkan bagi peminatnya, baik pengusaha, personal yang mewakili perusahaan ataupun perorangan.
Workshop spesial ini akan membimbing pesertanya untuk mulai mengelola tender secara profesional sehingga mampu memenangkannya tanpa bantuan ‘orang dalam’ alias tanpa KKN (Korupsi Kolusi dan Nepotisme).
Anda akan belajar bagaimana mempersiapkan administrasi tender, mengikuti proses pelelangan, sampai dengan pengajuan dan negosiasi harga penawaran yang akurat sesuai ketentuan perundang-undangan dan kaidah-kaidah yang berlaku. Pelatihan ini juga akan dilengkapi dengan strategi dan trik-trik praktis dalam memenangi setiap tender yang Anda ikuti.

Siapa yang menjadi peserta?

  • Eksekutif pengembangan bisnis, Key Account Manager, Staf Pengadaan Barang/Jasa, Staf Professional, dan perorangan yang berminat.

Metode Pelatihan

  • Pelatihan menggunakan metode ceramah dalam memahami konsep, dan latihan/studi kasus dalam mendalami teknik aplikasinya.
  • Disessi terakhir para peserta akan membuat action plan untuk menentukan rencana yang akan diterapkan setelah kembali ke dunia kerja

What You Will Learn

  • Training Program Overview
  • Memahami Seluk-beluk Tender Proyek dan Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang terkait
  • Memahami Jenis-Jenis Tender
  • Mempersiapkan Administrasi Tender
  • Mempersiapkan Penawaran Harga dan Mengelola penawaran yang efektif dan responsif
  • Strategi Memenangi Tender
  • Tanya-Jawab & Sharing Experience

Related Topics:

Informasi & Registrasi:

  • Untuk keterangan selengkapnya (termasuk biaya dan jadwal pelaksanaan) silahkan dilihat/unduh brosurnya di <Tender Management>
  • Untuk pendaftaran silahkan download Registration Information dan kirim kembali via email atau fax setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Bila membutuhkan pelatihan dalam bentuk Inhouse Training silakan download IHT Request Form dan dikirim kembali kepada kami melalui Fax/email setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Anda juga dapat menghubungi langsung penyelenggaranya melalui Tel/SMS/Fax yang tercantum di brosur atau email: beproseminars<at>

Project Management Office (PMO)

This course will offer an overview of the Project Management Office (PMO). The course is designed is based on the perspective of improving project delivery is only one metric of a PMO’s success, it is an important measure. Businesses that have established PMO’s need to ensure the PMO is providing expected results, and adding value to the business. This course will provide strategies and tactics to enable process improvement for a currently established Project Management Office.

The course shall provide the capabilities to the participants in determining how best to use the Project Management Office (PMO) for organization advantage and how to develop and use a competency model for project professionals. Discover methods to implement the type of PMO that best fits your environment and the specific functions it should perform. Assess the maturity of your PMO and recognize its contribution to professional responsibility in project management. The course is built around a series of consecutive structured lectures, class exercises, and class discussions. The scope of the course includes discussion of the components of the PMO including: Recognize critical characteristics of a PMO to foster organizational success , prevent runaway projects, conduct a project audit , perform a competency analysis, identify key roles and responsibilities, prepare a PMO charter, conduct an organizational maturity assessment, establish metrics for gauging and monitoring performance, develop a PMO implementation plan, use the PMO to promote professional responsibility.

*This course will deliver in Indonesian and/or English by Our Master Trainer/Instructor: Dr. Ir. Fauzi Hasan, MBA, PMP, CISA, CISSP, SSCP, CISM, CGEIT, CPRC, CSCP, CDCP, CITM APICS.

Objectives & Benefits

At the completion of the course participants shall benefit from the course such as:

  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the services a well designed PMO should perform for the organization
  • Understand the challenges the PMO faces within your organization, and how to address them
  • Learn how to evaluate key metrics of success for the PMO, and how to improve your PMO performance
  • Learn techniques to manage project portfolios more effectively
  • Improve your risk management strategies and tactics for addressing risk
  • Learn how leading companies operate their project management offices (PMOs), and which of their strategies and tactics may be right for your organization.

Target Audience

  • Senior and Middle Project Directors with responsibility for the project management office, and PMO staff including Methodology Experts, Project Managers, and Project Coordinators.
  • Managers wishing to increase or update their knowledge of project management office functions and processes.
  • Others with an interest in improving PMO results within their organizations, and who would benefit from an understanding of the project management office.
  • Direct involvement in a Project Management Office, either as a project manager or as a staff member is a recommended prerequisite.

Course Content & Description

  1. The perspectives and overview of Critical PMO Characteristics
    This part of the course shall describe the background and operational needs of PMO such as:
    –Increased importance of the PMO to organizations Definitions of a PMO
    –Categories of PMO functions
    –Typical PMO duties
    –PMO objectives
  2. The application of PMO entity to Enhance Project Performance
    The subject of the course shall highlight and identify key operational elements in the project management such as:
    –Establishing critical performance indicators
    –Setting a baseline to monitor progress
    –Determining views of success
    –Establishing success indicators
    –Preparing project evaluation structures
  3. Coping with Runaway project    .
    This part of the course  shall describe aspects of runway project and efforts as related to managing runway project such as:
    –Definition of a runaway project
    –Conducting a project audit
    –Preparing and implementing a recovery plan
  4. Competency Model for Project Professionals
    This part of the course shall describe on the competencies  as required in executing and managing the projects such as:
    –The importance of competency
    –Methods to categorize project management skills
    –Conducting a competency analysis
    –Addressing significant issues
    –Using the PMO to ensure competency in project management
  5. Project Management Maturity and the PMO
    This part of the course shall describe project management relation with the organization maturity level such as:
    –The Definition of maturity
    –Differences between mature and immature organizations
    –Five maturity levels
    –Performing an organizational project management maturity assessment
    –Establishing metrics at each maturity level
    –Focusing on continuous improvement
  6. The Essential Functions of PMO
    The subject of the course focus on the critical function of  PMO as related to project execution such as:
    –Project coverage, operational unit, departmental, and universal
    –Project-focused functions: augment, mentor, and consult
    –Specific areas of direct assistance
    –Enterprise-oriented functions: promote, archive, practice, and train
    –Specific areas of performance
  7. PMO Implementation
    This part of the course provides knowledge and the skills  to the participants in implementing the PMO, and developing capabilities as related to:
    –Motivations, costs, and benefits
    –Assessing the current project management practices
    –Project or program PMO
    –Division-level PMO
    –Enterprise-level PMO
    –Organizational structures and strategy
    –Functional organization
    –Project-oriented organization
    –Matrix organization
    –Use of virtual teams
    –Guidelines for successful implementation
    –PMO implementation plan
    –Effective deployment of the PMO
  8. Professional Code of Ethics and Responsibility in PMO
    This final part of the course shall provide and enlighten the participants with the standard code-of-conduct of profession as related to PMO with the benefits to establish integral professional conducts and focuses on:
    –Integrity and professionalism
    –Project management knowledge base
    –Individual competence enhancement
    –Balancing stakeholder interests
    –Personal, ethnic, and cultural differences

Information & Registration:

  • Untuk keterangan selengkapnya (termasuk biaya dan jadwal pelaksanaan) silahkan dilihat/unduh brosurnya di <Project Management Office (PMO)> .
  • Untuk pendaftaran silahkan download Registration Information dan kirim kembali via email atau fax setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Bila membutuhkan pelatihan dalam bentuk Inhouse Training silakan download IHT Request Form dan dikirim kembali kepada kami melalui Fax/email setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Anda juga dapat menghubungi langsung penyelenggaranya melalui Tel/SMS/Fax yang tercantum di brosur atau email: beproseminars<at>

Project Management for HR Professionals

Peran HR Profesional dalam beberapa tahun terakhir telah berkembang jauh dari hanya berfungsi sebagai pendukung administratif. HR Departemen telah menjadi bagian integral dari proses perencanaan strategis. HR Specialist memainkan peran sentral dalam pemberdayaan Functional/Project Managers dan juga mengelola HR Projects mereka sendiri, seperti New Software HR / System, Implementasi HRIS, HR Project dalam proses Akuisisi  & Merger, Staf Sourcing dan Reallocation. HR Projects juga mencakup inisiatif baru atau program perubahan seperti misalnya: large scale recruitment and/or downsizing; total rewards, succession planning, leadership development, incentive compensation, performance management, employee and executive compensation, job evaluation, health and safety, dealing with human resource implications of mergers/acquisition/divestitures dan  a wide range of other human resources areas dan seterusnya.
Semua Proyek tersebut memiliki keterbatasan dalam Waktu, Anggaran, Kualitas dan Sumber Daya. Oleh karena itu, HR Profesional perlu untuk terus mempertajam Keterampilan Project Management mereka, yang sangat penting untuk keberhasilan Proyek dan Organisasi secara keseluruhan.

Pelatihan ini align/selaras dengan  *PMBOK © Guide 5th edition 2013 (THE NEWEST PMBOK). PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) yang dikeluarkan oleh PMI (Project Management Institute).

Melalui Group Discussion, Workshop dan studi kasus HR-related Project, Para peserta akan diperkenalkan dengan metode yang teruji untuk merencanakan dan mengelola HR Projects dengan sukses. Selanjutnya, para peserta akan memperkaya pemahaman mereka tentang bagaimana  berkontribusi bagi keberhasilan Proyek lain dalam Organisasi.

Tujuan Pembelajaran

  • Dengan menghadiri seminar ini, Anda akan dapat:
  • Membuat dan membenarkan keputusan keuangan dengan menggunakan prinsip ekonomi yang sehat
  • Gunakan strategi ekonomi saat ini untuk mengurangi biaya dan meningkatkan produktivitas
  • Perkiraan modal dan biaya produksi atau jasa
  • Mengidentifikasi hubungan antara biaya langsung dan marjinal dalam proses pengambilan keputusan
  • Menjalankan strategi untuk alokasi sumber daya dan langkah-langkah pengendalian biaya
  • Mengidentifikasi alternatif proyek yang layak sehubungan dengan bahan, proses, dan perkakas
  • Menganalisis pilihan membuat-membeli dan membeli-menyewakan dan membuat keputusan berdasarkan pada strategi keuangan terbaik.

Siapa yang Harus Hadir

  • Seminar ini akan menguntungkan insinyur yang memiliki tanggung jawab dalam pengembangan, pembuatan, pemeliharaan, penelitian, desain produk dan proses, program dan manajemen proyek, pemecahan masalah, dan manajemen bahan.
  • Selain itu, individu dari disiplin non-teknik, termasuk pemasaran dan manajemen umum, akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari pengenalan perspektif rekayasa.

Manfaat Pelatihan

  • Para peserta akan mendapatkan SOFTCOPY HR-RELATED PM TOOLKIT terdiri dari Bahan Belajar, Referensi, Proses dan Template yang Ready-To-Use, Contoh Studi Kasus  Project  plus HR-related Project
  • Trainer berpengalaman dan pemegang sertifikasi International bidang Project Management akan membimbing peserta dalam Sesi Studi Kasus menggunakan Pendekatan Hands-on
  • Para Peserta akan mendapatkan keterampilan menggunakan Microsoft Project 2007/2010 dalam waktu singkat di bawah bimbingan trainer yang berpengalaman, ramah, dan trampil.

Pokok-Pokok Bahasan:

  1. Project Management Framework
  2. Project Life Cycle
  3. Major HR Activities
  4. Identifying Major Stakeholders
  5. Project Scope Management
  6. Project Time Management
  7. Project Cost Management
  8. Project Quality Management

Informasi & Registrasi:

  • Untuk keterangan selengkapnya (termasuk biaya dan jadwal pelaksanaan) silahkan dilihat/unduh brosurnya di <Project Management for HR Professionals> .
  • Untuk pendaftaran silahkan download Registration Information dan kirim kembali via email atau fax setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Bila membutuhkan pelatihan dalam bentuk Inhouse Training silakan download IHT Request Form dan dikirim kembali kepada kami melalui Fax/email setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Anda juga dapat menghubungi langsung penyelenggaranya melalui Tel/SMS/Fax yang tercantum di brosur atau email: beproseminars<at>


Mastering Project Financing Documentation

Menguasai Dokumentasi Pembiayaan Proyek demi kalancaran pengurusan proyek secara professional.

Pelatihan ini akan membekali anggota tim keuangan proyek dengan pengetahuan yang memadai dalam menangani dokumen pembiayaan proyek dengan lebih memperhatikan varian-varian kunci serta isu-isu yang mungkin paling sering diperdebatkan dalam diskusi antara sponsor, pemberi pinjaman dan pihak lainnya.

Tujuan & Manfaat Workshop

  • Peserta akan belajar bagaimana menggunakan diagram dan main-map sehingga mampu:
    • memfasilitasi pengakuan isu-isu kunci;
    • mengidentifikasi hubungan antar kelembagaan antara bagian dari suatu dokumen tertentu;
    • membuat jelas link ke dokumen lain dalam struktur pembiayaan yang diberikan.

Siapa yang Menjadi Peserta?

  • Pelatihan ini direkomendasikan bagi staf keuangan proyek dan staf administrasi proyek serta peminat lainnya yang merasa membutuhkan ketrampilan ini.

Pokok-Pokok Bahasan

Financing Documentation

  • The documentation process
  • Different approaches to the term sheet – “back of a menu” or practically a loan document?
  • A term-sheet checklist for Lenders – designing the term-sheet for economy while covering the key commercial issues
  • Borrower/Sponsor needs and “hot-buttons”

Security Documentation

  • Lender security-taking objectives
  • Key security instruments

Project Documentation

  • Construction contracts
  • Operation & maintenance agreements
  • Supply/Off take agreements
  • Insurance Agreements
  • Concession Agreements

Case Studies

Information & Registration:

    1. Untuk keterangan selengkapnya (termasuk biaya dan jadwal pelaksanaan) silahkan dilihat/unduh brosurnya di <Mastering Project Finance Documentation>
    2. Untuk pendaftaran silahkan download Registration Information dan kirim kembali via email atau fax setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
    3. Bila membutuhkan pelatihan dalam bentuk Inhouse Training silakan download IHT Request Form dan dikirim kembali kepada kami melalui Fax/email setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
    4. Anda juga dapat menghubungi langsung penyelenggaranya melalui Tel/SMS/Fax yang tercantum di brosur atau email: beproseminars<at>


IT Risk Management

This course deals with how IT helps to achieve an appropriate balance between realizing opportunities for gains while minimizing losses. It is an integral part of good management practice and an essential element of good corporate governance. It is an iterative process consisting of steps that, when undertaken in sequence, enable continuous improvement in IT decision-making and facilitate continuous improvement in IT performance.

This course will deliver in Indonesian and/or English by Our Master Trainer: Fauzi Hasan, DR, Ir. MM, MBA, PMP, CISA, CISSP, SSCP, CISM,  CMPP, CGeIT, APICS

Objectives & Benefits

IT risk management course covers how to establish an appropriate infrastructure and culture and apply a logical and systematic method of establishing the context, identifying, analyzing, evaluating, treating, monitoring and communicating IT risks associated with any activity, function or process in a way that will enable organizations to minimize losses and maximize gains. At the completion of this course, the participants should be able to :

  • Conceptualize organizations risk management within IT processes
  • Identify and analyze risks within IT operations and understand the implications to the whole business operation
  • Improve IT operation risk level thru  the application and implementation of IT risk management methodology and best practices
  • Support the attainment of organizational business objectives by providing comprehensive perspective of IT risk management to the executive management of the organization
  • Plan to  implement tool  for identifying, analyzing, eradicating and communicating the risks within the cycle of risk management

Target Audience

  • Managers involved and related in the IT operations
  • IT staff and executives involved in risk management and  business process improvement
  • Information technology professionals involved in projects that are concerned, in part, with the automation of business processes
  • IT professionals especially from companies regulated to implement risk management and IT risk management such as banks and state-owned enterprises.

Course Content & Description

  1. Risk Management Introduction
    The segment defines Process of identifying vulnerabilities and threats to the information resources used by an organization in achieving business objectives and deciding what countermeasures
  2. Risk Management Processes
    The participants learn to recognize the following issues in the risk management processes such as:

    • Identification and classification of information resources or assets that need protection
    • Assess threats and vulnerabilities and the likelihood of their occurrence Identification and classification of information resources or assets that need protection
    • Assess threats and vulnerabilities and the likelihood of their occurrence
  3. Risk Indicators
    This  segment shall describe on the need of IT risk management  to operate at multiple levels with diversified risk indicators including:

    • Operation: risks that could compromise the effectiveness of IT systems and supporting infrastructure
    • Project:  risks management needs to focus on the ability to understand and manage project complexity
    • Strategic:  the risk focus shifts to considerations such as how well the IT capability is aligned with the business strategy
  4. Loss Event Database
    The segment shall describe to the participants on intentional and unintentional action that causes data loss, and highlight on organizational responsibility such as:

    • preventing data loss
    • recovery from data loss
    • Cost of data loss
  5. Effective Risk Management
    This segment shall describe to the participants how to establish effective risk management program that covers:

    • Establish purpose of the risk management program
    • Assign the responsibility for the risk management
  6. Risk Management Maturity
    This segment shall describe the road-mapping of risk management as related to IT processes; the framework will be based on the CMM maturity level concept.
  7. IT Risk Management
    This segment shall describe on the Information Technology risk management which is part of the organization IT governance encompassing such as: the identification, assessment, and prioritization of IT operation risks, and  followed by coordinated and economical application of IT resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events.
  8. Cases Study: IT risk management cases

Information & Registration:

  • Untuk keterangan selengkapnya (termasuk biaya dan jadwal pelaksanaan) silahkan dilihat/unduh brosurnya di <IT Risk Management>.
  • Untuk pendaftaran silahkan download Registration Information dan kirim kembali via email atau fax setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Bila membutuhkan pelatihan dalam bentuk Inhouse Training silakan download IHT Request Form dan dikirim kembali kepada kami melalui Fax/email setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Anda juga dapat menghubungi langsung penyelenggaranya melalui Tel/SMS/Fax yang tercantum di brosur atau email: beproseminars<at>


IT Report Management

This course will offer an overview and implementation of IT Report Management. The course is designed and  based on the perspective of improving report delivery, which is one metric of an IT Report Management success; and practically it is an important measure. The industry  that have implemented  IT Report Management with the need to ensure that IT operation and IT Management is providing expected results, and adding value to the business within particular time framework as indicated by representative and comprehensive IT performance reporting system. This course will provide methodologies and approaches  to enable report management process for an enterprise to take advantage of the depicted data and information. The course shall provide the capabilities to the participants in determining the contents, styles, design and frequency of IT report distribution to the stakeholders. Also guiding the participants to the  best practice of report management for the advantage of the organization. The participants shall also  discover methods to implement the typical project time management and the specific functions which should be performed as related to project implementation. The course is built around a series of consecutive structured lectures, class exercises, and class discussions with the perspectives of excellent report management. The scope of the course includes discussion of the components of excellent report management process including: Recognize typical characteristic of IT reports to foster organizational success in implementing information technology , prevent tardiness in report distribution, design and construct excellent IT reporting, provision of basis on report analysis, and report management plan as required by the organization.

*This course will deliver in Indonesian and/or English by Our Master Trainer/Instructor: Dr. Ir. Fauzi Hasan, MBA, PMP, CISA, CISSP, SSCP, CISM, CGEIT, CPRC, CSCP, CDCP, CITM APICS, Cert. Change Management (APMG).

Training Objectives

At  the completion of the course participants shall benefit from the course such as:

  • Gain an in-depth understanding of IT Report Management with  a well designed in the report presentation, and effectively shall  have the capability to effectively implement the knowledge
  • Understand the parameters and the requirements as required in the    construction and design of  analytical and directive IT report, and how to address them effectively and efficiently as related to organization IT performance
  • Learn how to determine  key parameters of excellent reporting as related to stakeholders’ requirements, and how to improve the contents in line with IT reporting framework or best practice

Target Audiences

  • Staff and Managers with responsibility for IT report generation. Managers wishing to increase or update their knowledge of IT report management methodology, and especially in a dynamic and dynamic environment.
  • Others with an interest in improving report management results within their organizations, and who would benefit from an understanding of IT report management knowledge as related to IT operation.
  • Direct involvement in a particular project, either as a project manager or as a staff member, then this training becomes a recommended prerequisite.

Course Contents & Description

  1. The perspectives and overview of   Report Management
    • This part of the course shall describe the framework and perspective IT report. Also describing on the benefits by having the competency on generating the structured and comprehensive report as related to IT operation and management.
  2. Interpreting the Assignment Topic
    • Identifying unknown words
    • Analyzing the question
    • Considering the additional assignment
    • Writing the report
  3. Developing a Plan
    • Thinking about the assignment topic
    • Refining the plan
    • Developing a plan for the assignment
  4. Writing the Report
    • Abstracts and introduction
    • Writing  from a plan
    • Sample  report Plan vs. report
  5. Business System Data Commentary
    • Report  structure
    • Paragraph structure
    • Tables
    • Figures
    • Appendices
    • Academic style
    • References
  6. Using Sources in IT
    • Sources definition
    • Selecting sources
  7. IT Case Studies and Exercises Case-based discussions will be conducted with topics related to the subjects of training, while for every subject completed will be followed by comprehensive exercises focusing on the described subjects such as:
    • Topic  analysis
    • Topic annotation

Information & Registration:

  • Untuk keterangan selengkapnya (termasuk biaya dan jadwal pelaksanaan) silahkan dilihat/unduh brosurnya di <IT Report Management>
  • Untuk pendaftaran silahkan download Registration Information dan kirim kembali via email atau fax setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Bila membutuhkan pelatihan dalam bentuk Inhouse Training silakan download IHT Request Form dan dikirim kembali kepada kami melalui Fax/email setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Anda juga dapat menghubungi langsung penyelenggaranya melalui Tel/SMS/Fax yang tercantum di brosur atau email: beproseminars<at>

IT Problem Management

The purpose of IT Problem Analysis and Management course is to deliver competency and assures that participants have gained knowledge of the terminology, structure and basic concepts of IT Problem Analysis and Management and Incident Management which encompasses processes and has comprehended the processes of Situation Appraisal, Problem Analysis, Decision Analysis and Potential Problem Analysis that support Problem Management and Incident Management.

The course is also intended to enable the participants to start and apply the basic concepts of the processes listed above in Problem Management and Analysis as related to the application and operation of Information Technology system.

The syllabus will guide the design, development and use of training materials as well as training aimed at raising individual’s understanding of, and competence in, Situation Appraisal, Problem Analysis, Decision Analysis and Potential Problem Analysis within the framework of Problem analysis and Incident Management.

The syllabus has been designed with ease of reference, extensibility and ease of maintenance in mind.

*This course will deliver in Indonesian and/or English by Our Master Trainer/Instructor: Dr. Ir. Fauzi Hasan, MBA, PMP, CISA, CISSP, SSCP, CISM, CGEIT, CPRC, CSCP, CDCP, CITM APICS.

Objectives & Benefits

Participants  can expect to gain knowledge and understanding the following issues in IT upon successful and completion of the training such as:

  • Handling complex issues (Situation Appraisal).
  • Analyzing problems (Problem Analysis).
  • Making decisions (Decision Analysis).
  • Avoiding future problems (Potential Problem Analysis
  • Understand how these skills assist in the delivery of Incident and Problem Management.
  • Improve ability to manage customer problems and escalations.
  • Provide managers and engineers with tools to handle issues rationally
  • Maximize questioning effectiveness.
  • Give techniques for handling complex customer issues.
  • Understand how IT Problem Management process fits within participants’ jobs.
  • Make progress toward resolution of several current customer issues

Target Audience

  • Individuals who require a basic understanding of the rational processes and how they may be used to enhance the quality of Problem Analysis and Management within an organization.
  • IT professionals that are working within an organization that has adopted and adapted Problem Management framework and who need to be informed about and thereafter contribute to an ongoing service improvement program. This may include but is not limited to, IT professionals, business managers and business process owners
  • Managers involved and related in the IT operations
  • IT staff and executives involved in risk management and  business process improvement
  • Information technology professionals involved in projects that are concerned, in part, with the automation of business processes.

Course Contents and Descriptions

  1. Introduction
    The purpose of this segment is to highlight and emphasize on:

    • Familiarize candidates to the objectives of the course.
    • Explain the concept of the ‘thinking process’.
    • Provide an opportunity for ‘candidates’ to discover their own issue resolution styles.
    • Overview the steps of KT’s rational process of Situation Appraisal, Problem Analysis, Decision Analysis and Potential Problem Analysis.
    • Explain the role that these four processes play in Problem Management and Incident Management.
  2. Situation Appraisal
    The purpose of this segment  is to:

    • Explain the definition of an incident and a concern.
    • Explain how to “List Threats and Opportunities”.
    • Explain how to “Separate and Clarify”.
    • Explain how to “Set Priority”.
    • Explain how to “Plan Next Steps”.
    • Explain the role of questioning in Situation Appraisal
  3. Problem Analysis
    This  segment shall describe on the  IT Problem Analysis and focusing on the followings:

    • Explain the definition of a problem.
    • Explain how to “Describe Problem”.
    • Explain how to “Identify Possible Causes”.
    • Explain how to “Evaluate Possible Causes”.
    • Explain how to “Confirm True Cause”.
    • Explain the role of questioning in Problem Analysis.
  4. Decision Analysis
    The segment shall describe to the participants on the decision analysis process which encompasses:

    • Explain the definition of a decision.
    • Explain how to “Clarify Purpose”.
    • Explain how to “Identify Alternatives”.
    • Explain how to “Evaluate Alternatives”.
    • Explain how to “Make Decision”.
    • Explain the role of questioning in Decision Analysis.
    • Explain how to effectively “Present Recommendations”.
    • Explain how to effectively “Assess Recommendations”.
  5. Potential Problem Analysis
    This segment shall describe to the participants how to analyze potential problems as they are inherent in IT processes, which encompassing:

    • Explain the definition of an action and a plan.
    • Explain how to “Identify Potential Problems”.
    • Explain how to “Identify Likely Causes”.
    • Explain how to “Take Preventive Action”.
    • Explain how to “Plan Contingent Action and Set Triggers”.
    • Explain the role of questioning in Potential Problem Analysis.
  6. Questioning and Listening Skills
    The purpose of this segment  is to describe on soft skill as required and covering  :

    • Explain the role of questioning in  rational processes.
    • Explain the characteristics of effective questions.
    • Explain the techniques of “Open” and “Closed” questioning and their purposes.
    • Explain the two techniques of “Questioning to the Void” and their purposes.
    • Explain the difference between “Process” and “Content” questions.
    • Explain the concept of “Handling Answers
  7. Problem Analysis Techniques
    This segment emphasizes on the techniques to be implemented in problem analysis with the purpose as the followings:

    • Build on basic Problem Analysis concepts to understand advanced Problem Analysis concepts.
    • Explain how to use Problem Analysis concepts for “Start-Up Problems”.
    • Explain the “Stable”, the “Multiple” and the “Fluctuating” types of Start-Up Problems.
    • Explain how to use Problem Analysis concepts for “Intermittent Problems”.
    • Explain how to “Think Beyond the Fix”.
    • Explain the purpose and use of Dead Time Studied
  8. Implementation Techniques
    The purpose of this segment is to describe on significant issues such as:

    • Explain the Performance System model and how it is used to help install change initiatives
    • Demonstrate two methods of analyzing an existing Incident and Problem Management implementation to assess future usage potential of Situation Appraisal and Problem Analysis
    • Link model to the implementation of framework processes
    • Identify the value of an implementation as related to framework
  9. Risk Management Maturity and Performance Management
    This segment shall describe the road-mapping of risk management as related to IT processes; the framework will be based on the CMM maturity level concept. This segment shall also describe performance management as related process maturity.
  10. IT Risk Management
    This segment shall describe on the Information Technology risk management which is part of the organization IT governance encompassing such as: the identification, assessment, and prioritization of IT operation risks, control and control objectives, and  followed by coordinated and economical application of IT resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events.
  11. Cases Study

Information & Registration:

  • Untuk keterangan selengkapnya (termasuk biaya dan jadwal pelaksanaan) silahkan dilihat/unduh brosurnya di <IT Problem Analysis & Management>
  • Untuk pendaftaran silahkan download Registration Information dan kirim kembali via email atau fax setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Bila membutuhkan pelatihan dalam bentuk Inhouse Training silakan download IHT Request Form dan dikirim kembali kepada kami melalui Fax/email setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Anda juga dapat menghubungi langsung penyelenggaranya melalui Tel/SMS/Fax yang tercantum di brosur atau email: beproseminars<at>


IT Cost Management

The  Information Technology Cost Management course is suited to IT people  placed in the role as IT cost manager who have been performing the role for some time but have never received any formal training.

The course is also suitable as an introduction for anyone thinking about IT cost  analysis role or for other cost management management professionals with focus on IT investment and operation, and wanting to gain a more in-depth understanding of the role and responsibilities in the area of cost management.

This ‘Fundamentals’ course is aimed at learning real-world IT cost  analysis and IT budget development and implementation skills that can be used in the workplace especially in an organization with high IT investment.

Course delegates or course participants ;should be able to return to their working environments and work as effective Cost Management  team members immediately adding value and building effective relationships with business and IT stakeholders.
The course uses case studies to analyze approaches to managerial cost investment and operation (capex and opex) The course also covers the application of decision and control models, planning and control in IT cost management, while also concern on  decision control models, and cost planning.

*This course will deliver in Indonesian and/or English by Our Master Trainer/Instructor: Dr. Ir. Fauzi Hasan, MBA, PMP, CISA, CISSP, SSCP, CISM, CGEIT, CPRC, CSCP, CDCP, CITM APICS, Cert. Change Management (APMG).

Objectives & Benefits

By the end of the   IT Cost Management the  participants will be able to:

  • To have thorough  understanding on the IT cost management including all the parameters and issues related
  • To have complete perspective on IT Investment Management Process
  • Work with business users  (stake holders) to define  different types of IT cost investment and operation
  • A framework to calculate Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for  IT enterprise resource  systems
  • To have capability to break-down complex IT cost  scenarios or cost problems into process and data models (cost management related)
  • To Have capability in implementing modern cost management concept as related to IT infrastructure
  • To have capability to reduce and optimize IT cost as related to the investment, operation and maintenance of  IT installation and the infrastructure

Target Audience

This course was originally designed for IT  managers and those who involve in the activitie such as related to IT investment, operation and maintenance. However, the course is also suitable for experienced IT managers and Investment  Analysts as it:

  • Provides a reinforcement session for those IT staff  who have   been doing the job for many years but have never received formal training in IT cost management
  • Provides a ‘standard’ approach to be adopted by teams who might currently be using a mix of different techniques in IT cost management.

Course Contents and Descriptions

  1. Introduction to IT Cost Management
    Covers the role of Information Technology Cost Management and how the role has evolved within the cycle of IT investment, operation and maintenance. Examines the differing roles and responsibilities in cost management through all  phases of investment planning and IT infrastructures operation.
  2. Performance Evaluation
    Outcomes: Understand the relationship between IT Cost  Management control and IT performance evaluation such as:

    • Identify the objectives of  IT cost management control
    • Identify the types of IT Cost control systems
    • Explain the application of control to IT cost centers, IT revenue centers and IT profit centers
    • Understand how the balanced scorecard supports strategic cost management
  3. Strategic Investment For Information Technology

    • Describe the function of a strategic investment unit
    • Discuss implementation of appropriate transfer prices
    • Calculate return on investment, residual income and economic value added, and use them to evaluate the performance of a business unit
  4. IT Cost Management Information

    • Explain how IT cost information is used in different types of investment for infrastructure’
    • Identify the  functions of IT Cost management
    • Understand the use of IT cost information in support of different IT investment strategies
    • Describe the influence of modern management techniques on IT cost management
    • Allocate shared support costs to IT production
    • Allocate shared cost to products that result from a single process
  5. The Flexible Budget and Standard IT Costing

    • Identify and explain control systems and uses of standard IT costing
    • Distinguish between effectiveness and efficiency in IT Cost Management
    • Construct a master IT investment  budget
    • Develop a flexible IT  investment budget
    • Calculate direct input variances in IT investment budget
  6. Flexible Budget: Analyzing Factory Overhead

    • Distinguish between the control purposes and the costing purposes of standard costing for IT overhead
    • Calculate, explain and record the overhead variances in IT budget
  7. Operational IT Cost

    • Explain, calculate and use the operational data on IT costs
  8. Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for  IT enterprise resource  systems

    • Distinguish among the components of Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)  as related to costing purposes of standard costing for IT overhead
    • Calculate, explain and record the overhead variances in IT budget
  9. Strategic Investment for IT Infrastructure

    • Describe the function of a strategic investment in IT Infrastructure
    • Discuss implementation of appropriate investment
    • Calculate return on investment, residual income and economic value added, and use them to evaluate the performance of IT strategic investment
  10. Review: Revisit the key learning points from the course and looks at why IT investment and cost management  can go wrong and how good cost management can prevent it.

Information & Registration:

  1. Untuk keterangan selengkapnya (termasuk biaya dan jadwal pelaksanaan) silakan dilihat/unduh brosurnya di <IT Cost Management>
  2. Untuk pendaftaran silahkan download Registration Information dan kirim kembali via email atau fax setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  3. Bila membutuhkan pelatihan dalam bentuk Inhouse Training silakan download IHT Request Form dan dikirim kembali kepada kami melalui Fax/email setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  4. Anda juga dapat menghubungi langsung penyelenggaranya melalui Tel/SMS/Fax yang tercantum di brosur atau email: beproseminars<at>


IT Asset Management

The IT Asset Management course is  designed specifically for the executives in the organization and for  those who have asset  management responsibilities.
This course teaches the participants the methods in identifying all aspects as related to IT assets management, further and takes appropriate countermeasures to prevent and mitigate failure risks for an organization.

*This course will deliver in Indonesian and/or English, by Our Master Trainer: Dr. Ir. Fauzi Hasan, MBA, PMP, CISA, CISSP, SSCP, CISM, CGEIT, CPRC, CSCP, CDCP, CITM APICS, Cert. Change Management (APMG).

It also provides the networking professional with a foundation in IT asset  management, including preparation of management procedures, assessment of risks in the enterprise , development of policies, and procedures, and understanding of the roles and relationships of various members of an organization, implementation of the plan in asset management.
This course takes an enterprise-wide approach to developing an IT asset  management plan.
The course is designed to support the executives to expand their understanding of information technology (IT) asset management and provide practical view in conducting asset  management practice.

This course deals with how can the executives achieve an appropriate balance between realizing opportunities for maximizing the results of IT asset management. It is an integral part of good management practice and an essential element of good corporate governance.
Participants will be expected to gain a working understanding of how to identify reference and implement IT asset management and control policies, standards and related asset management.
Regarding the latter, the objective is to learn how to identify and interpret the requirements of the standards and. implement the standards in IT assets management
Each class session will include discussion on IT asset  management practice, control or audit issues that participants   should be familiar with.

Target Audience

  • Business Director
  • Business Manager
  • Operation Director
  • Operation Manager
  • Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
  • Chief Information Officers (CIO)
  • Chief Technology Officers (CTO)
  • IS/IT Steering Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • IT Senior Manager
  • Information Security Manager
  • Senior Risk Manager
  • Senior Audit Manager
  • IT & Audit Staff
  • IT Security Staff
  • Risk Management Staff

Objectives & Benefits

  • The course has been designed to enhance the skill and insights in the area of IT  asset  management practice, especially in relation to the practice and implementation in their day-to-day operation.
  • The training shall provide the participant  with the following capabilities:
    • Have thorough understanding of  good  IT asset  management practice within the scope  and framework of  Best Practice of Asset management
    • Enhanced knowledge and skill in dealing with the operational issues as related to IT asset management  within day-to-day installation operation and risk management
    • Enhance capability to  implement tool  for identifying, analyzing, eradicating and communicating the risks within the cycle of risk management and IT asset management
    • Support the attainment of organizational business objectives by providing comprehensive perspective of IT asset   management to the executive management of the organization
    • Capability in assuring the level of alignment between IT asset management and  organization business in the drive to achieve organization’s objectives

Course Contents and Descriptions

  • Introduction
    • Terminology
    • IT asset management programmes
    • IT asset management and traditional asset management
  • Management context
    • The need for IT asset management
    • Supply chain management
    • IT asset life cycle
    • Service and support strategy
    • IT strategy
    • IT asset strategy
  • IT asset management services
    • IT asset management services model
    • Inventory management
    • Configuration management
    • Change management
    • Order processing
    • Contract management
  • Financial aspects
    • Property accounting
    • Budget and cost control
    • Potential cost savings
  • Reporting
    • Definition and outline
    • Data sources
    • Data analysis
    • Report production
    • Sample report
  • Organizational structure
    • Impact of ITAM
    • Roles and responsibilities
  • Technology
    • Management approaches
    • Layers of information
    • Asset tags
    • Tool requirements
    • Solutions
  • Implementation plan
    • Due diligence
    • Implementation plan

Information & Registration:

  • Untuk keterangan selengkapnya (termasuk biaya dan jadwal pelaksanaan) silahkan dilihat/unduh brosurnya di <IT Asset Management>
  • Untuk pendaftaran silahkan download Registration Information dan kirim kembali via email atau fax setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Bila membutuhkan pelatihan dalam bentuk Inhouse Training silakan download IHT Request Form dan dikirim kembali kepada kami melalui Fax/email setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Anda juga dapat menghubungi langsung penyelenggaranya melalui Tel/SMS/Fax yang tercantum di brosur atau email: beproseminars<at>