Business Strategy & Plan: A Comprehensive Approach

The inspiration behind this programme is simple, to provide managers with a “strategic toolkit” of tools, techniques, models and applications that you can apply to your business role in order to define, build and execute a robust strategic framework.

Strategy is an area that can be easily overlooked by managers lacking formal training in strategic issues. Often strategy is viewed as something that comes down from above and it’s our job to make it happen. However, imagine the benefits of developing the core skills and competences to be able to implement and apply strategic principles within your department or function. In the modern corporate arena many managers spend so much time working in the business (functional) that they neglect the importance of actually working on the business (strategic).

Developing an understanding of the differences between corporate strategic level thinking and the business planning issues that a manager is faced with every day is just one of the critical gaps that this course will help you to fill.
Business planning is the practical delivery of the desired strategic vision. Within organizations this can relate to growth through the launching of new products, the development of new markets, the making of plans for company acquisitions or divestment and disposal of loss making entities.

Through both “efficient” and “effective” planning, managers will be better positioned to recognise the future growth areas and to pre-empt the potential problem ones before they impact badly on their firm.
The programme will equip you with a thorough grounding in a wide range of strategic practices and processes. You will also benefit from developing the analytical and questioning skills that are a fundamental part of the strategic process.
If you are a professional who is committed to high performance and results, this course will prove invaluable.

Pokok-Pokok Bahasan

  1. Strategy Thinking and Mindset
  2. Setting the Strategic and Business Planning Framework
  3. People and Culture
  4. Strategic Frameworks
  5. Strategic Tools
  6. Products and Markets
  7. Financial
  8. Implementation

Related Topics:

Informasi & Registrasi:

  • Untuk keterangan selengkapnya (termasuk biaya dan jadwal pelaksanaan) silahkan lihat/unduh di Business Strategy & Plan: A Comprehensive Approach.
  • Untuk pendaftaran silahkan download Registration Information dan kirim kembali via email atau fax setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Bila membutuhkan pelatihan dalam bentuk Inhouse Training silakan download IHT Request Form dan dikirim kembali kepada kami melalui Fax/email setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Anda juga dapat menghubungi langsung penyelenggaranya melalui Tel/SMS/Fax yang tercantum di brosur atau email: beproseminars<at>

Fundamentals of Strategic Business Planning

Improve your knowledge of strategic planning to understand what senior management is thinking and why—and increase your value to your organization!

Here’s an overview of strategic planning for those not directly involved in the planning process, but who want to understand the impact of strategy on their work and their organization’s success. Gain a perspective and vocabulary for strategic planning to help you actively and constructively support your firm’s strategic direction.

How You Will Benefit

  • Understand what strategy and strategic planning mean to an organization
  • Learn key concepts and the language used by those involved in strategic planning
  • Discover various approaches companies use to develop strategy
  • Find out how strategy moves from concept through implementation to realization
  • Recognize techniques companies use to assess their current and future environments
  • Identify specific ways you can contribute to your organization’s strategic success

What You Will Cover

  • What strategy and strategic planning really mean
  • How strategy creates value for customers and stakeholders
  • How companies develop strategy: seven strategic planning processes
  • The strategic planning process in action: five stages of a classic approach
  • Assessing the environments
  • Three Ds of strategy: discussion, decision, development
  • Implementing strategy: how strategy cascades through the organization

Who Should Attend

  • Managers and supervisors who want to expand their strategic planning skills and management perspective…and anyone who must communicate with managers and leaders involved in the creation and implementation of strategy

Key Topics Include:

  • Learning Objectives
  • What Is Strategic Planning?
  • Why Organizations Create Strategy
  • How Organizations Develop Strategy—Processes for Creating Strategy
  • The Strategic Planning Process in Action
  • Assessing the Environment
  • Three Ds of Strategy—Discussions, Decisions and Developments
  • Implementing and Reviewing Strategy
  • Alternative Approaches to Create Strategy
  • Discuss Which Approach Would Best Fit Your Organization

Related Topics:

Informasi & Registrasi:

  • Untuk keterangan selengkapnya (termasuk biaya dan jadwal pelaksanaan) silahkan lihat/unduh brosurnya dengan mengklik <Fundamentals of Strategic Business Planning>
  • Untuk pendaftaran silahkan download Registration Information dan kirim kembali via email atau fax setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Bila membutuhkan pelatihan dalam bentuk Inhouse Training silakan download IHT Request Form dan dikirim kembali kepada kami melalui Fax/email setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Anda juga dapat menghubungi langsung penyelenggaranya melalui Tel/SMS/Fax yang tercantum di brosur atau email: beproseminars<at>

Strategic Planning for Banking

Industri perbankan telah berada dalam era yang semakin kompleks dan komprehensif, sehingga manajemen bank seyogianya selalu paham dan mampu mengantisipasi lebih awal adanya trend dan perubahan lingkungan bisnisnya.
Bank Strategic Planning, merupakan salah satu alternatif bagi manajemen untuk menentukan arah dan langkah-langkah yang perlu ditempuh dalam mencapai “goals”.

Perencanaan Strategis (Strategic Planning) yang juga lazim disebut dengan Corporate Planning sekaligus berperan dalam penentuan strategi Bank. Oleh karenanya, program ini akan bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan peranserta para peserta dalam operasi bisnis perbankan.

Tujuan Pelatihan :

  • Peserta memahami konsep dan teknik bagaimana menyusun RENCANA secara sistematis dan efektif berdasarkan langkah-langkah baik secara teoritis maupun yang diatur oleh Bank Indonesia.
  • Peserta akan mengembangkan sistem pengendalian dari Planning Process dalam kegiatan pemantauan dan pengukuran keberhasilan kegiatan pelaksanaannya.

Metode Pelatihan :

  • Penyampaian Konsep (Ceramah)
  • Case Study
  • Diskusi Kelompok

Pokok Bahasan :

  1. Strategic Planning dan Pengertiannya.
  2. Strategic Planning System.
  3. Strategic Planning Process.
  4. Pengawasan dan evaluasi.
  5. Contoh Penyusunan Rencana Bisnis Bank

Related Topics:

Informasi & Registrasi:

  • Untuk keterangan selengkapnya (termasuk biaya dan jadwal pelaksanaan) silahkan dilihat/unduh brosurnya di <Strategic Planning for Banking>.
  • Untuk pendaftaran silahkan download Registration Information dan kirim kembali via email atau fax setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Bila membutuhkan pelatihan dalam bentuk Inhouse Training silakan download IHT Request Form dan dikirim kembali kepada kami melalui Fax/email setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Anda juga dapat menghubungi langsung penyelenggaranya melalui Tel/SMS/Fax yang tercantum di brosur atau email: beproseminars<at>