The Conference for Secretaries and Administrative Assistants

Boost your image, your communication skills, your professional development and your satisfaction!

In this era of dramatic change in the business world, assistants have never been more challenged … more stretched … than they are today. You’re expected to do whatever it takes to keep the “train moving” amidst the confusion brought on by re-engineering, restructuring, new technology—whatever changes you’re up against. In this valuable conference, you’ll learn new, practical skills that will enable you to manage your job and your career with new professionalism, new authority and new success

Join other career-minded assistants in more than a dozen information paced sessions that focus on the areas most important to your on the job performance. Tracks include: image and communication skills, professional development, and managing your life.

Siapa yang Seharusnya Hadir

  • Para profesional administrasi, termasuk sekretaris eksekutif, asisten administrasi, sekretaris atau anggotaanggota lain staf bantuan administrasi yang sedang berusaha memperbaiki keterampilan guna meningkatkan karier dan menambah efektivitas organisasi mereka.

Apa Manfaat yang akan Anda Peroleh:

  • How to build and strengthen your “people” skills
  • How to manage multiple projects, responsibilities and bosses … without getting all stressed out!
  • Proven methods for getting more done in less time
  • 3 ways to demonstrate your capabilities and become truly indispensable
  • How to keep your cool when dealing with difficult people and much more!

Apa yang akan Anda Pelajari:

  • Image and Communication Skills: Winning respect and credibility.
    Assistants are truly the backbone of an organization. But it’s easy to feel overlooked, even ignored, in the rush of everyday business.
  • The few “pats on the back” or positive strokes you do get make all the difference in the world to your attitude. In this session, you’ll learn how to get more recognition for your good work … and use this fuel to make even greater contributions on your job.
  • Communicate with confidence up and down the ladder
    Here’s your opportunity to look at your own communication style from a different perspective, develop new insight about yourself and focus on behaviors you want to alter.
  • Interpersonal communication skills—your secret weapon
    This session sheds light on a form of psychological censorship that protects us from seeing ourselves the way we really are and offers frank insight into habits that hold us back.
  • Your professional image
    What kind of image do you project? How can you change it to convey the message that you’re competent and in control? Find out in this session.
  • Believe in yourself
  • Professional Development: Managing when the boss is away
  • Dealing with change
  • Dealing with chronically impossible people
    Attend this session and get straightforward techniques, tested and proven effective in the business world, for getting problem personalities under control.
  • Everyday negotiation skills
    If you’re tired of getting the short end of the stick, you’re ripe for this crash course on negotiation. And do you ever need it. Between the kids, the spouse, the vendors—even the boss—you can barely remember what it feels like to “have it your way.” Practice these great new skills every day and before you know it, winning will become a habit.
  • Staying in sync with your boss
    No two people are busier than the assistant and the boss. A constant avalanche of meetings, phone calls and deadlines leaves little time to talk—let alone communicate. Out of necessity, the most successful assistants have had to carve out their own ways of making the boss/assistant team work. You’ll gain an hour’s worth of their valuable insight in this session which you can use to give your boss/assistant relationship true lasting power

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Informasi & Registrasi:

  • Untuk keterangan selengkapnya (termasuk biaya dan jadwal pelaksanaan) silahkan dilihat/unduh brosurnya di <The Conference for Secretaries & Administrative Assistants>.
  • Untuk pendaftaran silahkan download Registration Information dan kirim kembali via email atau fax setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Bila membutuhkan pelatihan dalam bentuk Inhouse Training silakan download IHT Request Form dan dikirim kembali kepada kami melalui Fax/email setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Anda juga dapat menghubungi langsung penyelenggaranya melalui Tel/SMS/Fax yang tercantum di brosur atau email: careertrack.indonesia<at>